Friday, May 11, 2007

I'd rather have bad lady drivers on the roads

A friend messageed me the other day on my IM. Her husband and her was contemplating buy a car because it was becoming a necessity rather than a luxury. With 2 kids and her husband having to travel to the other end of the island, it seems like a necessary expense. Problem is her husband is yet to get a licence. As such, any car purchase was to be done when her husband has obtained a licence to drive.

Somewhere along the discussion, the topic shifted to one about bad lady drivers and the stigma that goes along with it. She was telling me how harrowing it can be sitting on the passenger side of a Hyundai Tuscon being driven by a lady driver who is bad with directions. Those who know me will attest to the fact that I don't normally have a high regard of lady drivers and this stems not so much from hearsay but from the 12 years I have been riding and driving. The thing is, no matter what anyone says, out of every 10 instances of bad driving I encounter, at least 4 could be attributed to bad lady drivers.

Yeah, I already hear the knives being sharpened by lady drivers with the devilish look on their eyes.

In spite of their bad driving and the occasional driving up the road against the flow of traffic, I'd much rather have the bad lady drivers than the inconsiderate male drivers. My dislike for taxi drivers is well-documented. However, that dislike actually extends to those inconsiderate drivers who like to tailgate, race on the roads and drink and drive. And they, mostly, are the males. I admit it. Being a male driver, I too, experience the sudden surge of testosterone whenever my ego is bruised by those who want to enforce their belief that they are better drivers than I am, by tailgating my car while I'm already hitting 100kmh.

Just yesterday, Christopher Lee, the actor, got jailed for drink driving. He's lucky in the sense that in his case no one got killed. Still, there are no excuses for such excesses. I mean you want to endanger your life by racing, go ahead, just don't do it on the roads where there are others using it as well. You want to feel the thrill of speeding, go ahead, just not on our roads where other road users can also be endangered by your rash acts. It's worse if people get killed. And people do get killed.

My anger does not end there. Recently, there was a report of this allegedly drunk guy crashing his car into a busstop at Penang Road. The best part was that he was sheepish about it when asked if he was speeding. Not only was he irresponsible, he was indignant about it too. To me, we have no place for such irresponsible behaviour in our society. It's one thing to be drink-driving, it's another to shrug it off. It's as if other people's lives aren't as important. Damn bloody selfish.

For the lady drivers, as bad as they can be behind the wheel, you are still responsible drivers - mostly.

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