Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Izza down with jaundice

Izza went for her checkup yesterday morning at Bukit Batok Polyclinic.

Got a bit of worrying news - her jaundice was at 279. The attending doc decided that it was best that we sent her to KKH A&E. We preferred it if she was not warded, but it was not to be. She is warded for now. She "checked-in" yesterday at about 2.30pm. After "checking-in", we stayed a while and went home. We were both a bit tired, still getting used to waking up in the middle of the night to take care of her, so we slept the rest of day away.

Spent the night resting at home. Got some pleasant surprises with some of the gifts. I'm sure Izza was ecstatic at the bling she got from Uncle Aiz , Uncle Andy, Auntie Irah and Auntie Nanie -in no particular order - for the beautiful piece. Not forgetting the dozens of clothes she has been getting. We both missed her terribly last night, even if we slept soundly. Both of us kept sniffing at her unwashed clothes..... Understandably, wifey was a bit distraught at the thought of leaving her in KKH, but it was for the best

Wifey check with the ward earlier but was told that she needed to be held back for a while yet. We'll definitely be visiting her after I finish work today, hopefully, she'll be discharged later today too.

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