Monday, July 31, 2006

Blogs, friends and happiness....

I was having a good laugh listening to the deejays of Class 95 this morning. They were talking about me - the blogger, and the rest of the bloggers out there. I do find it funny though listening to them debating this topic. I guess I understood where they were coming from in reference to the blogs who seek attention, especially those who chronicle their extracurricular activities. Well, to each, his own.

Admittedly, there are those who crave attention and view the burgeoning hit count as a sign that their blog is a success. Personally, I view my blog as an extension of myself - an avenue for me to let my feelings known in a subtle way. I mean, when we are angry or pissed, words spewed from our lips tend to have more fire and passion in them and that may touch a few nerves and missing the point altogether. A friend and a ex-colleague and ex-boss once said to me, emails are very powerful. I guess that notion extends to blogs we write and letters we send.

This is simply because, with letters, emails and blogs, we tend to be retrospective in our views so much so that in getting our points across with such subtlety, we do not trip and fall and made to look like fools. In the heat of the moment, words don't just cut, they tear into you. Away from the heat though, when calmer and with hindsight, the words mellow, the mind becomes clearer and our judgements are not as clouded as when we are better able to get our point across. I have no problems with people who do everything they can to get their hit rates skyrocket - from posting nude photos of their not-so-beautiful bodies and faces to acid-tongue remarks which would only come back to haunt them. I say, let them be and let the powers that be handle them.

In the end, it all comes down to the purpose of it all - the purpose you create and maintain a blog and why you sniff around other people's blog.

OK, enough talking about others, my egomanical, self-centric personality's about to take over now. Yeah, it's kinda lame.....I know. So, I was out and about Suntec on Friday evening - had a meeting with an ex-camp mate from NS who's now a financial advisor. He got me a good quote for my insurance and we were there to talk a bit while settling the business. On the way to meet him, I chanced upon a trio of babes whom I know from secondary school. All three are teachers now though only 1 has settled down. The other 2 remain single and available, I think. Spent almost 10mins, chatting, exchanging pleasantries, introducing my wife - the kind of things you do when meeting old friends, without ever exchanging contacts.

On the way back though was when the conversation between me and my wife got interesting. I remember a few posts back where I mentioned about her friend who is so desperate to get hitched while acting like a juvenile schoolgirl breaking out of puberty. I asked my wife if she noticed how my friends reacted when I asked them if they were married or in a relationship. Well, nonchalant was a nice way to put it. I didn't think they were too bothered over the fact that they were not hitched at 29. I told my wife that there is more to life than just finding a man, getting married and having babies. I guess my friends had different priorities as compared to my wife's friend.

After 29 years if breathing the polluted air around me, it's safe to say that my perspective of life has changed though my desires have not waned. I think I'd much rather have a fulfilling life as opposed to a long life with unfulfilled dreams and desires. To me, it's better to enjoy what you have now than to risk losing everything without ever feeling the enjoyment that comes with it. The more we worry about where our next meal will come from, where our Mr or Miss Right is or contemplating buying that dress or hot gizmo, the further we are from happiness and closer we are to death.

I just don't want to come to a point where I'm drawing my last breaths wishing I had done something when I had the chance.

1 comment:

papayaface said...

A friend and a ex-colleague and ex-boss once said to me, emails are very it still powerful?