Monday, July 03, 2006

I'm staying

I have always wondered why some people would want to move away from the place they called home, where they grew up, made friends, fall in love for the first time. I remember a few months ago where there was this debate about the stayers and leavers, or something to that effect.

Being young, we all have this adventurous streak in us, save for the few chicken-hearted amongst us. I have a few friends who have been complaining and whining for the longest time about how shackled they feel living in Singapore, not having the kind of freedom that they crave. Even up till now, I have yet to understand what it was meant by that.

Freedom? Freedom from what?

We have long since left behind our colonial past and the shackles that once came with it. Heck, the ones doing all the whining have never known what it was like to be treated as second-class citizens in their own lands. Terror tales abound about the treatment of Asians in western nations, Australia included. It seems like Asians are generally viewed as usurpers to their economy, adding more competition to an already competitive economy. Grass is greener on the other side?

Strange isn't it? While governments around the world expound the virtues of Free Trade Agreements and a free market economy, the population, as a whole, dread the extra competition, even if it means more choices. So, even if we think we are going to a land of opportunities, the stark reality of it all is that, we may not be as welcomed, in spite of the banner welcoming you at the airport. Think about it, would you rather have holiday makes come to your country and splurge the cash or would you rather have the same people settling down permanently and compete for whatever resources that are available?

I guess this is why a lot of those who migrate, especially those who are not as well-off financially, often find themseles in a conundrum, trying to eke out a living out of nothing. Most of those who have studied these phenom would say that it is a vicious cycle, while success breeds success, pverty breeds, poverty. Often it is said that to break out of this vicious poverty cycle, a good education is key, that in itself is flawed. How do you guarantee a good education when the people you are trying to educate don't have enough for their own survival, let along education.

I guess most of us Singaporeans do not fall under that category where we live hand to mouth. A day to day existence which most would cringe at. I am happy where I, in spite of all the talk about lack of freedom and a vibrant life. Think of it this way, probably half the world do not have access clean drinking water, much less buffets and gourmet cuisine.

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