Saturday, November 08, 2008

Of hope and fear

Yeay!!!! Obama Won!!!

Wait a minute, I have no idea why I am rejoicing. The word on the street was one of optimism with stock markets the world over rallying at the news. Personally, as with many Singaporeans, I have no idea? what they were politicking about. Though many rooted for Obama, I doubt they knew what Obama's political allegiance was, much less his ideals. Was he a Democrat or Republican? Heck I don't even know one from the other.

Still, any idiot could have done better than the prick they now call Mr President. 8 years in charge with practically nothing to show for. The initial support GWB received in the wake of Sept 11 precipitated quickly and any sympathy garnered then quickly turned into disdain at the unilateralism and heavy handed approach. One suspects that in spite of his failings, he could have well worn that smug look at the dinner table, winking at his dad, probably saying, "Dad, I may not have achieved much but I got Saddam for you!".

Yeah, he got Saddam but look at the devastation he left behind. Iraq, in spite of Saddam's dictatorship and iron fist, was rather peaceful; just look at it now. GWB, to me, is like the Sheriff of the cowboy towns of the Wild West. He wades into a standoff with guns blazing and leaves behind a trail of destruction. When the smoke clears, you can see him sitting in a corner with that smug look on his face, thinking - "Hey, I got him didn't I?"

At least we all know Obama's not that much of a cowboy.

A little close to home, I read in the papers the other day about the stepfather who was jailed for child abuse all because he caned his stepson 100 times for incessant lying. In all honesty, I was shocked. Not at the number of times the boy was caned but the fact that he got jailed for it. My initial reaction was one of disbelief. Caned a 100 times? C'mon, many of us have gone through worse punishment than that; some of us had to endure inch thick leather belts complete with buckles. I had fresh red chilli smeared on my mouth for lying to my mom - and let me tell you the lingering aftertaste was enough to remind me from lying again.

I mean news such as this would play on the back of every parent who has to instill some form of discipline in their children. The parent would always be thinking if corporal punishment would lead to allegations of child abuse. We have to look at the physique of the child, the circumstances that led to corporal punishment and the gravity of the offence. It seems that corporal punishment is frowned upon more than ever. Gone were the days when the school rascals would get public caning - many parents won't allow their children to go through such punishment in school. Now, it seems that even the parents are not allowed to cane their children. Teachers are taught to look out for signs of child abuse such as cane marks on the children. However, upon reflection, I do agree that caning 100 times may be a bit excessive.

Personally, I believe that corporal punishment is a punishment that has to remain, even if it exists only as a threat. While children cannot be allowed to live in a climate of fear, there has to be an element of fear which will stop them from doing an act. Where discipline was once based on fear, parents have had to deal wiith ever more inquisitive children who not only defy them but question them. Where the standard answer of children in the face of an instruction use to be OK or Yes Mom/Dad/Sir, that has given way to but why.

Given the choice I couldn't resort to caning or belting by child. However, if she did step out of line I would. It all boils down to control. In order to have control over your children, you have to have control over yourself first. My guess is that was where the parent who was jailed failed. The lines that separate disciplinary measures and child abuse gets blurrier every minute we lose control of ourselves

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Gone were the days when the school rascals would get public caning - many parents won't allow their children to go through such punishment in school."

In fact, those days are not gone at all. Most secondary schools in Singapore still use the cane, and many of them do it in front of the whole school when deserved. See and

C. Farrell