Friday, January 23, 2009

The hope behind the hype

We have been down in the doldrums for quite some time. It's been one whammy after another and the already slowing economy is being pounded. Honestly, if this was a boxing match, the match would have been stopped long ago by the referee. Thankfully, we aren't. Fact is governments all over the world are tripping over themselves trying to pump more cash into the markets to stimulate the economy to reignite the sputtering fire.

Amid all the gloom and doom, we are given a ray of hope. Like the first rays of light shining through an overcast sky after a huge downpour, Barack Obama stands tall proclaiming his and USA's readiness to lead once again. His inaugural speech, cheered by millions the world over, talks of hope, unity, recovery and respect. Riding on the crest of the highest approval rating of any President in recent history, his inauguration has brought hope to everyone. The last 8 years, fraught with controversies, bloodshed and sheer arrogance, has precipitated most of the goodwill the world had for Americans in the aftermath of Sept 11.

From the streets of New York to the slums of Jakarta, from lands of Palestine pock-marked with bomb craters to the spotless avenues in Singapore, Americans are once again filled with pride while the rest of us are full hope. At the same time, we all know who was full of crap and himself. Obama has the opportunity to be the man of the century if he manages to clean up the mess left behind by the previous administration. He is at the cusps of greatness if he succeeds in dealing with theso called Axis of Evil without spilling a drop of blood. He is at the doorstep of immortality if he could resolve the Middle East conflict which no one else has ever come close to do.

For, if he does all those he set out to do, then his place in history is assured and will be spoken of fondly long after he is gone. Personally, I hope and pray that he does succeed for we have all waited for someone to do so for the longest time. Somehow, someone always manages to make a mess out of it even more. Case in point, the last 8 years. the change will not only do USA a whole lot of good, but hopefully, the world too. WORLD PEACE!!!!!

Speaking of hope, the recent budget announcement by the Finance Minster was also one eagerly anticipated, perhaps more so than the last few years. After months of downward adjustments of national growth, nothing could have lifted up the spirit and soul of the average Singaporean with a nice big hong bao before the Lunar New Year. The announcement of a $20.5 billion Resilience Package, while not meant to boost the economy into a quick recover, will definitely help to cushion the blows we have been taking over the months.

In truth, most of the moolah will go into job preservation and help for companies stay afloat. The only significant handout was the extra GST credit payout, to me at least. While some of us may groan, let us not forget to look at the bigger picture. While having a few hundred more in the pocket from the govenment would have been welcome, it doesn't address the issue of relevance. Times change and so does the market and expectations. We can't expect the jobs we have held for the last 5 years to remain as it is without any added skill needed. We all want a quick fix, but since when has a quick fix worked. Go ask Dubya, he knows quick fixes.

While I am glad with the budget, I'm not overly ecstatic as I'm not deriving much benefit from it - for now. However, again, looking at the bigger picture, it does mean that I am less likely to be retrenched now, and for that I am grateful. Let's hope that the grey skies above us will clear soon or I'll have to buy a boat.

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