Monday, May 08, 2006

Anonymity - boon or bane?

When I first started out on blogging down my thoughts, I grappled with the seriously thought-provoking, imsomnia-inducing and stomach churning issue of anonymity. I honestly didn't know if I should leave myself invisible to those who do read my blog, especially considering the amount of mud I was throwing at other people.

As I continued to write, I received some fairly encouraging words and some nice comments complementing my style of writing as well as the troubles I had gone through. Then, a friend suggested for me to let people know about my blog. I thought, why not? After putting so much effort into writing, updating and chronicling the various facets of my life, it would have been a waste if, even my close friends did not know about this. So, I did. Well, it's suffice to say, some are pleasantly surprised that I am doing something without quitting halfway, and doing a nice job at that.

Now, even my wife reads my blog. It's not that we don't talk to each other or we can't talk to each other about some things. Far from it. When talking face to face, emotions can and will cloud our judgements, especially when the topic is contentious. Reading a blog or a letter, dampens the emotional effect by limiting the human interaction thereby limiting the emotional interference. You get your point across better and more clearly. Furthermore, when writing your thoughts down, you could revise what you want to get across before it is sent, but with face-to-face communication, one wrong word or tone of voice could just send everything on a downward spiral.

Being totally anonymous would not have given me joy of hearing what my close friends has had to say about my writings. It would also have blocked an avenue which I have used in the past to get my message to my wife, in times of conflict. While blogging anonymously would have granted me considerably much more freedom to write about anything, save for defamatory and seditious comments, it would have meant that my blog would almost certainly go unnoticed, except for the occasional blog hoppers and that would have made my blog as important as Jean-Claude van Damme's latest movie.

While blogging down my thoughts will not make George Bush step down or Israel to cease to exist, it does gives me a certain degree of power. I know there are those who read my blog occasionally, though I'd like to think that I have a fan-club somewhere, so I couldn't go too far as make some comments to hurt those who do read my blog. That would have been utterly irresponsible.

"With great power comes great responsibility." Remember that quote from the movie Spiderman?

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