Friday, May 26, 2006

Damn the stork!!

I have been reading a dear friend's blog from time to time and it did puzzle me why whe had some password-protected posts. I just never got around to ask her till this morning. Well, it's just the same thing about not wanting unwanted attention from unknown people. Well she granted me access to her posts and I got a pleasant surprise, her 2nd baby is on the way!

Well, my younger brother's wife, yeah my sis-in-law, is also expecting her first kid, which would make me a blood uncle, is that what you call it? I know I already am an uncle by marriage, but that's not the same isn't it. A year ago when my brother got married, I said, in jest, that the race is on - the race to reproduce, seeing that I have been married for 2 years and still waiting for our first. Well, I lost the race, I think the stork got lost looking for my home.

For the moment, I am OK with the status quo, though my wife is not exactly contented. Sometimes it's the things we do unintentionally that gives away our feelings though. For example, I love kids, I dote on my niece and nephews, I play with my friend's first boy, gee, that little devil is so cute. However, it does not bother me too much that I don't have one of my own yet. For me what's more important is that me and my wife are financially, mentally and psychologically ready to have kids before we do start a family.

Me and my wife do get angry and sad whenever we read about abandoned babies, abused toddlers, irresponsible parenting and abortions. I guess it's because we love kids and also because we have yet to have one after 3 years. She feels hard done by when she reads about all these things and thinks of the unfairness the whole situation is. Here, we are waiting for our first kid and there, they are killing their kids.

My wife does feel pressure, though it's more self-inflicted than anything else. Noone has ever put pressure on her, least of all me. Our parents are supportive of us in whatever we do and have never questioned when we are going to have a baby. For that, I am thankful.

Still there are some insensitive ones who do ask how come or why. It's not like we ain't trying, just that the damned storks has gone to the wrong houses.

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