Wednesday, March 21, 2007

3 months on

Been 3 months since I last said something here. My longest hiatus yet. It's not that I have lost the verve to blog or post my views, it's just that too much has been going on around me and involving me that I have no idea what's important anymore.

Ok, that sounds far-fetched and quite improbable that so much revolves around me but it's true. To sum it all up, the 3 months was a cliched roller-coaster ride for me. I went from being somewhat-content to being down in the dumpster to being suddenly jolted into euphoric joy. Confused? Somewhere in those 3 months, so was I.

When I first started blogging, a lot of it was my anger and frustration at how my married life was panning out. And it showed. The blog was my way of letting her know how I felt and was a bridge of sorts in the breakdown of communications that happened back then. And boy, did I vent my frustrations. Those who did read it, will know exactly what I mean. Put it simply, I was close to the edge and the only thing that held me back was my love for her and my determination to work things out.

A year on, the whole situation played itself all over again. And that, too, after my parents left for their Haj. It was an understatement to say my mind was befuddled and everything around me was murky. Falling into the depths of despair, walking out was not just a feasible option, it seemed like a really good option then. For weeks, I was on the verge and constantly contemplating it. Thankfully, a friend stuck out the proverbial hand and helped me realise that I have lost track of I had been preaching all along. Love is a gift. You give all that you have without any expectation that your gifts will be reciprocated.

Let's just say I did work it out and things are looking every bit rosier. In fact, it's so rosy, there might be 3 of us before the year is out. Let's hope and pray it happens. (I think that was me releasing my pent-up frustrations)

It's funny how cliched life can get. As much as we think our life has hit the abyss and we feel like we are scraping the bottom of the barrel, it might not be as bad as we thought it was. For all you know the barrel might be overturned in a splitsecond and you are out of the rut. Yeap, the last 3 months were emotional to say the least, but I have realised that no matter how bad things may seem, there's always light at the end of the cliched tunnel.

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