Friday, February 17, 2006

Always look on the bright side of life..

Somehow I felft dumb reminiscing online. Then again, what's there to be ashamed of. It's life. Everyone goes through the highs and euphoria that comes with being in love and the lows and depression of a breakup. What's the big deal right?

I'm lucky in the sense that I have never been dumped before. All my relationships ended amicably. The closest I came to being dumped was when an ex and I were on the break and she, kindof, went out with this expat guy, who did became her next boyfriend thought it didn't last long. Not such a big deal, not like she cheated on me while we were a couple. That would be a totally different story.

I've seen what such traumatic breakups can do to a person. The denial and depression that comes with it can sometimes drive a person to the edges of sanity. It really makes a person contemplate the incomprehensile, things they would never have thought of doing had they been sane. When you are that close over the edge, something trivial as seeing a couple argue, a dare from a friend or voice raised in annoyance would make you flip and do unpredictable things, stupid things.

It always seem like you lost your purpose, your drive. You just don't know what to do. There is a void in your life when the person whom you loved walked out on you. It is worse when your trust in that person was betrayed by acts of infidelity. Yeah, such depression and thoughts can drive the person to do the unthinkable like suicide. To lose that hope and being forced out of that comfort zone is unbearable. No more late night chats over the phone, whispering sweet nothings into each other's ears, no more cuddling. Could it get any more worse than that?

I admit that it is hard to accept such depressing realities and get on with life. You always need to take a step back, re-evaluate your priorities and make changes to your life and routine. You have to get out of your comfort zone. Something many of us find intimidating and it makes us fearful of the incertainties. Therein, lies the problem. We are so concerned about the unknown and perceive it to be bleak as we lost something to hold on to, that we always forget that there are other possibilities. We always forget that the grass may be greener on the other side, that there may be light at the end of the proverbial tunnel and that life is full of ups and downs.

Yup, I went through a period of mild depression and uncertainties. But, I'm glad to say that my positive outlook on life did not wavered. Like the saying goes, always look on the bright side of life.

C'mon, you know the song!!!


Anonymous said...

What you have mentioned in your blog is so familiar to me. To lose the ability to hope, dream and even muster the strength to smile. Wrote this poem.

Living a fleeting moment
Taking flight on an endless trail
Gnarled by thorns of sanity
My wings are broken
Yet I flew the path
Again and again
In eternity.

SomeDol said...

Well, I hope things do get better for you. Depression really does suck the life out of you...

Just keep and hold on to your faith, to what you believe in, chances ae something better will come your way. Every valley and abyss has it's bottom, every tunnel has it's end, every start an ending and every bad moment in life will surely end and have a turn for the better.