Wednesday, February 08, 2006

What backlash?

For the past few days, all I see on the papers and on the news are about the backlash from the Muslim community for the cartoons on Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Some protestors have even lost their lives in doing so. The furore and rage in many predominantly Islamic countries, while palpable, is simply inexcusable.

As I have said in my previous post, I am saddened and angry at the desecration of the memory of a great man. However, to go on a violent rampage to protect the memory of that man, in essence, goes against the fundamentals of Islam. The events unfolding around us in Indonesia, Pakistan and Afghanistan are targeted at the Europeans, namely the Danes. While protesting is OK, pelting the embassies of Norway and UN missions are not. They are just taking out their anger at any "white man" they see. Let's face it, not everyone in Europe, more specifically, Denmark, agree with the printing of such cartoons.

What is the real objective of attacking the innocent Europeans who are there on humanitarian reasons? They are just biting the hands that are helping to rebuilt their ravaged nations. And for what? Some stupid cartoons? Yes, it was distasteful, disrespectful and irresponsible, but aren't we doing the same by attacking those not responsible for the cartoons? I disagree with the printing of the cartoons, but I disagree more with the actions of some overly zealous Muslims who think they are protecting the memory of our prophet.

Remember when Dr Mahathir said that speech about how the Jews ruled the world by proxy? Remember the rage and furore surrounding those statements? There was even talk of sanctions against Malaysia for that, but nothing came ot of it. There were protests and statements of condemnation from world leaders but no violence. Muslims stood by Mahathir, defended him, knowing full well that such statements will damage relations with the Europeans and the US. We told them that the statements attributed to Mahathir were taken out of context and that Mahathir did not mean to offend the Jewish community.

Now the roles are reversed. Have we even begun to consider the possibility of the cartoons being taken out of context? We all know Muhammad (PBUH) is a symbol of Islam, he is regarded by the West as the founder of Islam. We ask that the West understand our problems and protocols, but have we tried to understand their concept of freedom of speech and expression?
While the West have tried to understand Islam and it's sensitivities, have we done the same for them? The cartoons shows the myths surrounding our religion using an image of our prophet as a symbol of Islam. They basically show Muslims as violent people who will pick up the sword at the slightest provocation. Have we done anything to dispel those myths and misconceptions? Have we ever sat down with our Muslims friends and try to educate them on why any images of our prophet is forbidden and considered sacrilegious?

Islam is now seen as a religion that promotes violence. Thanks, in no small measure, to those suicide bombers and militant groups. It will take a long time for Muslims to be able to shed that image of violence. These violence only serves to inculcate a feeling of contempt, distrust, suspicion and ultimately, fear. Do we really want other religions and communities to fear us? Or would rather have them respect us?

Just now, we have yet to earn their respect.

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