Friday, August 04, 2006

If only I could stop the devastation......

I was just trawling the net, blog hopping to take a look at what people around the world are writing about. One thing that struck me was the fact that the violence taking place in the Middle East is drawing lots of reaction from the people of the world. Mostly, the reaction is one of horror, exasperation and anger.

Horror at the violence, exasperation at the indecision and anger at the politicians.

Undoubtedly, I am one of them who feel the same way. Words just can't express the grief and pain etched on the faces of the innocent victims. The grief and pain at seeing your home destroyed, your family vanish and your life, hopes and dreams shattered. There are countless images, videos and commentaries talking about the situation in Lebanon. But that's all there is to it - talk.

There was talk of a ceasefire a week ago, but that has yet to materialise. The sluggishness of the whole process coupled with the delay of aid is only exacerbating the problem. I don't even want to talk about peace in the region as that, in reality, is a far-fetched idea, at least for now. Tony Blair, long been seen as Tonto to Bush's Lone Ranger persona, doesn't seem to have the guts nor the spine to issue a strong-worded statement pushing for a ceasefire. Hmmmm, this seems to be too big for me, I'll hide behind Bush. He'll know what to do. That seems to be his style of leadership. Truth be told, he IS the Prime Minister of a sovereign nation. Pity the Brits, having a spineless leader leading them.

Dr. Condoleezza Rice is jetsetting all over the place without any concrete plan to stop the violence. Probably, there was no plan to plan a stop to the violence. Confused? Befuddled? So am I. There's nothing much the world can do to stop it all. The UN has lost a lot credibility in it's failure to stop the US from invading Iraq and Afghanistan. It's position as the world's governing body has been downgraded to that of a US crony. Any sympathy gained by the US has also been eroded by it's invasion of Iraq and the impasse over the current situation in Lebanon. While once the world stood in awe at the resilience of the Americans in the wake of the 9/11 terrorrist attacks, the world now stares in disbelief at its flagrant and overt support of Israel terrorism of the innocent civilians of Lebanon.

Honestly. if I could I would have wringed Tony Blair's neck, bitch-slapped Condoleezza Rice and gouged out George Bush's eyes. I think Blair wouldn't have felt anything, seeing that he is spineless after all, neither would Rice feel a thing - damn, did you see the amount of make up that woman puts on everytime you see her on TV?. George Bush on the other hand would feel a slight tinge at the back of his head but it wouldn't matter anyway cos he's never opened his eyes anyway, except when it is to his advantage. I can't hide my feelings when it comes to these politicians. Anger is too kind a word to describe my feelings.

Yes, I am exasperated, angry and disgusted. Lebanon is a beautiful place, posessing a charm few countries could dream of. Years of civil war, followed by Israel occupation in the 80's has reduced the once magnificent country to a pale shadow of its former beauty and glory. How could I not be? Have you seen the photographs that depicts the devastation? I feel so sad and helpless looking at the children being killed. How many more has to be sacrificed before the world stands up to put an end to this violence?

I just hope that the people responsible for these atrocities get their just rewards. For the people of Lebanon and Palestine, have faith, be strong and never give up, insyallah, God will answer your prayers.

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