Monday, June 05, 2006

Man's fixation with discrediting the truth.

Got a surprise in my mailbox today. Someone actually took the time to read my blog and leave a comment. Whoever that person was, thanks for taking the time reading my blog. Well, I published the lies, I mean comments that person put up for some curious minds to read through. Reading it halfway, I'd have to say, I admire the brilliant mind who concocted the story in the first place.

I finally watched the Da Vinci Code yesterday. I must say, contrary to what most people opined, I enjoyed the film. Not because of the lies or inconsistencies Muslims see in the movie, but more for the mystery it enshrouds. Yeah, the detractors are gonna say that the film does no justice to the great literary work by Dan Brown, who am I to argue? I have yet to read and have no intention to read the book. Just don't want to spoil the movie by reading the book.

Well, back to the comment. The anonymous person actually left a rather long comment, allegedly of the lost verses in the Quran. All these lost verses alleged that Muhammad PBUH was a drunk, coward, thief, paedophile, liar, tyrant, despot and calls himself a god. I have to give credit where it's due. This commentor is smart, that he/she does not leave his/her name. Yeah, I could trace him down, but what for? Engage in a religious debate with someone who sees nothing but lies?

Well, the author, not necessarily the commentor, has a good imagination and a glib tongue to have come up with such tales. This attempt at creating verses which was supposedly lost was poor, at best. The language used in the Quran is unworldly while the language in the "lost verses" were something a secondary school student could conjure up. I could go on and scrutinise it line by line, but the fact is, it is nothing but a cheap lie.

Have you ever wondered why Muslims vehemently deny categorically any allegations the Islam is a lie? It is for the simple reason that Muslims believe Islam to be the true religion of Allah and no lies shall desecrate it. This is the reason why any images of Muhammad is explicitly forbidden. When the cartoons of Muhammad PBUH were published, Muslims all over the world denounced the cartoons because it is considered sacrilegious.

Why is it that when the Da Vinci Code is published, with allegations which rocked the very foundations of Christianity, which questions the divinity of Jesus Christ, which puts into doubt the resurrection of Jesus, not all Christians are unequivocal in denouncing the book and the movie? Yes, there are calls from the Catholic Church to boycott the book and the movie but somehow, the conviction in those calls seems to be missing.

It is an innate reaction in Man to defend what he beliefs to be true. Think of it this way, if someone told you that your father was a drunk, and your mom was a prostitute and you were born in a backstreet and left at the doorstep of a nice house for adoption, would you have believed it, knowing it is all lies? You'd definitely defend the truth vehemently and deny categorically your dad is a drunk and your mum is a tramp. Unless, of course you yourself know it to be true and evidence is shown to support the claims.

Same goes to the anonymous commentor. You lack the conviction to sway me from my beliefs. You put in the alleged lost verses without telling me your sources. No mention of any references, worst of all, no names. Something to hide?

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