Sunday, March 19, 2006

The world is getting too twisted....even for me

Wow, It's been more than a week since my last post - my longest hiatus yet.'s not that I have gotten tired of blogging my thoughts or that I have run out of material since I started my bitchfest. Actually, part of the reason is work, getting prepared for the ISO Audit - man, I hate those things. The other part is that I have been unable to blog due to some technical issues with the host. All's well now, thank goodness.

So what have we missed?? Hmmmmm......

The killer of the 2-yr old girl, Nonoi, whose disappearance brought out the best amongst Singaporeans. Come to think of it, her disappearance galvanised the immediate community to launch search parties and the general public offering moral support to her family. To the shock of those closest to the victim, the person responsible for her death was her own step-dad. Heck, I was caught by surprise myself. At the back of my partially-sordid mind, at best, I thought it was an uncle or some family friend. Well, I'm just waiting for the court case to start to find out more sordid details, in the meantime, my heart goes out to the family, distraught is too simple a word to describe their feelings rite now. God have mercy on her soul.

Oh, the killer of the businessman in the Serangoon shooting has also been caught. He was hiding out in KL waiting to make his way to Thailand, probably further, to any country with no extradition treaty with Singapore most probably. There was this other death of a young Vietnamese lady who was pushed or jumped out a high-floor, pretty much half-naked. The last bit of news these last few days took the cake. 4 malay guys allegedly staged a kidnapping of 2 Indonesian businessman out of some financial dispute. When I first heard the news, I thought to myself, are they crazy??

Apart from drug traficking and cold-blooded murder, kidnapping is another crime which warrants the death penalty. I could only hope that these misguided souls did not actually mean to kidnap for ransom, else, nothing short of a short drop and sudden stop awaits them.

On a much happier note, albeit, slightly sordid, on my part, Slobodan Milosevic is dead. It's a bit premature considering he was awaiting the International Tribunal to start proceedings against him for genocide. He was after all the "Butcher of the Balkan". The man who was, single-handedly and unrepentantly, a murderer of thousands of Croats and Bosnians, in the name of creating a single and powerful Serbian nation, "cleansed" of other races. Despite his single-mindedness and undoubted brutality, he was revered, or at the very least, admired, in his own country. I still find it difficult to understand how a mass-murderer such as him could be afforded a funeral worthy of a respected statesman and bereavement by the public in Serbia.

While I do admit I am a little sordid, taking into account I do look at grissly and gruesome pictures, ala "Faces of Death", I think it is overly-sordid to grieve the passing of a man who stands accused of genocide. Hmmmm, then again, it's not that out of place considering the twisted minds who run the most powerful nations in the world.

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