Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Being judged

I think you are just being petty.
It's a nomal masochistic thing for you isn't it?
If you give a particular advice yet you do the opposite, what kind of message are you sending?

Ever had words such as those above thrown your way? I have. I bear no grudge or residual ill-feelings. I mean, at a low ebb, you pour your heart out to someone, you have to expect mud-slinging out in the open. There's just something about us, humans, being judgemental with one another. Hey, I do that myself. I guess subconciously we are all like that, hard wired into us that we have to judge one another no matter how hard we try to deny that fact.

I won't deny that I deserved that last riposte. I mean like I said in my previous posts, while I can give advice or points of view to those who asks for it, I have this innate inability to see things from other angles when it comes to my own problems. I think a lot of us have this one-dimensional problem. We tend to see things from a certain angle - the angle which we perceive to be correct at the expense at all others. Which is why we share our problems with close confidants in a bid to see things from a different perspective.

Sometimes, we don't get what we are looking for and there are times when we get more than what we bargained for. Good advice normally comes from those who have experienced it and resolved it. We normally try to draw parallels between the problems being confided to us and the experiences we have had. Then, we dish out the advice depending on what we think is the right thing to do, which may or may not be the right words the friend may want to hear, but we do it anyway, perceiving it to be the right thing to do. But is it?

It's not as easy as it seems. I guess, on one hand, not sharing your problems and keeping to yourself would self-detrimental. People have committed suicide just because they can't deal with their problem. At the same time, when we open our hearts out to some, we get judged and worse, stigmatised, especialy if the person you are confiding with, is facing similar problems themselves. It's a double-edged sword really. It all depends on how mentally strong we are. Had I been weak-minded, I'd have had myself shot or jumped of the top of DBS Tower.

As it stands, I'm not weak-minded, just that some problems really does wreak havoc within me. Especially the chronic ones.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

some nicely put comments there. thanks for sharing.