Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Mouthing off....

I hate it when I'm under the weather. Now I'm hvaing a terrible cough and really bad bout of flu. The cough's been bugging me for a week now. Been holding back from taking MC - not such a good thing to do when you work under someone else. You never know when the MC will haunt you back.

Well, I had a company retreat, way out in Malacca - Hotel Equatorial. Not the most ideal of locations, but hey, the company's paying. I decided to take a road trip rather than take the company provided transport - read, bus. A colleague of mine wanted to tag along, well, I wasn't about to say no, any company for the 200km trip is welcome. There's just something about roadtrips that really gets me going. Something about long drives that challenges me. Makes it a whole lot of fun to go thru.

Guess what? Some of my friends were so intrigued by the Air Papan Beach that they wanted to go there, with me leading the convoy. Wow, that's a first. I'm not complaining..... another road trip? Honey, let's start packing. Dates not confirmed yet.

I commented to my wife that I am beginning to develop an acid tongue when it comes to my BILs. Just yesterday my MIL came over with my niece in tow. She left at 10.20pm. Well, me and my wife decided to send her home, seeing how late it was. Then, she said to drop her off at this particular bus stop and she'll take the bus home from there. Then it happened, I mouthed off!

MIL: Just drop me off at the bus stop outside, I'll take service XXX home.
Me: Mom, if I were my bro-in-law, then I'd do that or probably just give you enough money to cover your cab fare. As it is, I'm not, so I'm sending you home.

Her home was just a 10mins drive from my place. So to drop her off in the middle of nowehere was the last thing on my mind. On the way back, I said to my wife, I had half a mind to continue what I said and say that if I were my 2nd BIL, I would have asked her to buy some food for me and my wife while she's on the way there. But I am not them. No, I'm not blowing my own trumpet, I just wanted to let my MIL know that in spite of what her own sons are doing to her, I won't allow her to be neglected as long as I am alive and married to her daughter. Well, my wife whipped up a delicious meal of fried bee hoon yesterday.

Well, I know I am not exactly the best husband or son-in-law, at least I have shown that I will not fall to the depths of ineptitude as shown by those who should be setting a good example. While humility has never been one of my greatest attributes, it's not the worst either.

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