Thursday, April 13, 2006

Let's stamp out idiotic parkers!

Those of you who have followed my blog since its inception, a whole 3 mths ago, would know by now that my pet peeve is inconsiderate bahaviour. Like the inconsiderate drivers, inconsiderate people yapping on their phones loudly and the ones in front of you on the escalator going up who purposely fart in your face when your mouth is open. If that doesn't leave a bad taste in your mouth, I don't wanna know what would.

Well, I have been visiting this particular blog, and I must say, the owner is doing a hell of a job, so I thought I'd be a little helpful and mention his blog in mine so that my current readership of 3 could pass it on to their friends. Perhaps, we could spread the joy and the word of this valiant deed to rid the world, or at least our little red dot of one such inconsiderate behaviour. Lo and behold,

First time I saw this blog, I had a hard time pulling a straight face, it's just so damn funny how some people who have the mental capacity to work out the moolah need to own a car in Singapore but lack the social grace to park properly causing a great deal of inconvenience to other road users. Quite simply, inconsiderate. It's a very perplexing issue, to own a car in Singapore you do need quite a bit of cash seeing how expensive it is to be driving, and moolah doesn't come easily. Put it simply, the ones who own a car are those who have a good job and/or a good education.

Strange isn't it that we strive so hard to improve our social standing and our financial clout but we fail to improve on basic courtesy and social grace even after our government has been preaching this for years. With better education and a dash of public-spiritedness, it might happen, but being Singaporeans bred on the mantra, "Do what you want, just don't get caught", it'd take probably another generation for this to sink in. It's a sad situation, they are smart enough to learn how to drive but stoop to such lows in parking.

Personally, I have come across such indiscrimiate parking countless times, too many for me to count anymore. With this site, My K750i will come in handy to snap photos such as those featured and post it in that blog. The Parking Idiot labels would come in handy should I be in a mood to slap it on the errant vehicle. This ought to be fun.

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